Who are we ?
The Center for Innovative Local Governance (CILG) is an autonomous legal entity under Tunisian law and acts as a resource Centre and expertise which implements projects and programs of advice, support and capacity building in the areas of public strategies and policies, good governance and regional and local development. CILG was created at the dawn of the Arab Spring by the international cooperation agency of the Association of Dutch Municipalities (VNG International) and has evolved as a full-fledged structure as an implementing partner of several programs of international cooperation for development in Tunisia. CILG is delighted with the strategic partnership that it has been engaging with several Associations of Municipalities active in international development cooperation as well as donors and international cooperation agencies.
CILG provides advisory services to national and local actors and civil society organizations in order to ensure inclusive and sustainable growth, reduce inequalities and particularly for young people, women and vulnerable people while ensuring the protection of resources natural, increasing the resilience of territories and protecting ecosystems. We ensure the implementation of technical assistance programs to achieve:

- the development and implementation of public reforms on decentralization and the conduct of the processes of exchange and debate on these reforms. the development and strengthening of authorities, administrations and civil society actors actively working at the local level, especially on issues of strategic planning, local service provision and participatory governance through the establishment of various forms of partnership such as inter- municipal cooperation, cross-border cooperation and partnership between local authorities and the private sector-civil society.
- the identification, realization and evaluation of inclusive and prosperous local economic development projects that enable citizens to obtain the best of their communities.
Guided by the universal values of human rights, we consider that dignity and freedom are only possible through democracy and its anchoring through decentralized local governance. This results in greater citizen participation in the management of city affairs, a necessary condition for sustainable and inclusive development.
We are fully convinced that the promotion of these values can only be sustainable if municipalities, civil society, and government services are prepared for a restructuring that has been studied and adapted to their contexts and if they undertake, collectively, the path of local governance.
We support decentralization reforms in the MENA region and build capacity of national authorities and local and regional governments
– with a focus on municipalities, while stimulating community involvement in local decision-making processes.
In all our missions, we promote gender equality in the management of local affairs and support inclusive local policies.
To support stable and legitimate political transitions towards democracy, CILGVNG International emphasizes deep analysis and takes into account the real needs of various local contexts specific to each country.
CILG-VNG International offers quality and innovation through its experienced professionals, and their multi-sectoral approaches. This results in a more balanced and integrated method that puts us in a privileged position.
Our team