Initiative for Efficient Decentralization and Attractive Municipalities IDEMA - Tunisia
IDEMA supports the Tunisian government in the process of decentralization, as well as 12 municipalities through technical assistance aimed at promoting their economic development, improving the quality of services, and helping them understand and carry out their new skills, with a focus on the participatory approach and taking into account the specificities and roles of women, youth and disadvantaged groups. This programme is funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with the support of the International Cooperation Agency of the Association of Dutch Municipalities, VNG International.
This programme revolves around three strategic components, which essentially aim at reinforcing central and local stakeholders and endorsing the implementation of the decentralization process and its sustainability:
Objective 1: IDEMA, For an Efficient and a Participatory Decentralization Process
Support to the Ministry of Local Affairs and the Environment and the Ministry of Equipment, Housing and Territorial Development to strengthen their capacity to lead the decentralization process, bring together the different actors and set up the necessary strategies and reforms for its operationalization.
Objective2: IDEMA, For Appealing and Efficient Municipalities
Technical assistance to the target municipalities of the programme to promote their economic development, improve the quality of their service delivery and support them in understanding and carrying out their new skills.
IDEMA intervenes in 12 municipalities located on the outskirts of the capital Tunis (Douar Hicher and Raoued), the North West (Ain Draham, Beja, Krib, Thibar), the West Center (Bir Lahfay, and Hessi Ferid) and the South (Ben Guerdane, Dehiba, Boughrara, and Jemna).
Besides, a financial support is planned to implement pilot initiatives aimed at economic and social development within these municipalities.
Objective 3: IDEMA For Participatory and Inclusive Local Governance
Promoting citizen participation in the development of planning and space management documents, aimed at a better integration of young people, women and vulnerable or excluded populations into local decision-making and promoting transparency and accountability of local actors vis-à-vis the citizens,
Starting Date: April 11, 2019
End Date : july 31, 2022
Status : Ongoing
Country: Tunisia
Partener(s) :
- Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- VNG International
- Ministry of Local Affairs and Environment
- FNVT: The National Federation of Tunisian Cities
Areas of Expertise
- Support to the implementation of the decentralization process*
- Local economic development
- Municipal service Delivery and accountability
- Participatory and inclusive approach
- Women, youth and disadvantaged groups