Strengthening the Capacity of the MFFE and its State and Non-State Partners to Contribute to the Realization of Equality Between Men and Women in Tunisia
The project "Strengthening the Capacity of the Ministry of Women, Family, Children and the Elderly and its State and Non-State Partners to Contribute to the Realization of Equality Between Men and Women in Tunisia” funded by the EU, is part of the Moussawat programme. The project is run by CILG VNG International in a consortium with GFA Consulting.
The project of technical assistance to the Ministry of Women, Family, Children, and the Elderly in Tunisia aims to contribute to the realization of equality between men and women in Tunisia by reducing inequalities at national, regional and local levels.
Objectives :
- Reinforce the capacities of the institutional actors of the civil society and the media regarding "Gender" issues.
- Integrate the gender approach into the Tunisian statistical system and more particularly in the field of sex-disaggregated statistics
- Integrate the gender approach in the planning and programming of public policies and development plans at national, regional and local level
Starting Date: April 27, 2018
End Date : january 27, 2020
Country: Tunisia
Partener(s) :
- Ministry of Women, Family, Children and the Elderly;
- 9 Governorates
- Ministry of Development, Investment, and International Cooperation
- Peer Council
Areas of Expertise
- Equality between men and women
- Technical Assistance
- Institutionalization of the Gender approach
- National, regional, and local development